Sunday, December 18, 2011

Last Day of Gymnastics

This past Friday was Oliver's last day of gymnastics at the YMCA. He has really enjoyed going and he has certainly honed his jumping, climbing and balancing skills :) Grandpa came with me on the last day so he could see Oliver in action....this allowed me to FINALLY get some pictures of him. Note: Some of these are blurry, I know.....but they were taken with my phone and Oliver certainly doesn't pause what he is doing just so I can get a decent shot! :) Enjoy! :)
"jump jump jump"

Me: "Oliver, do you want to jump in the pit?"
Oliver: "NO!" (and shakes head for emphasis)
Hanging on the bar!

uhhhh....not so sure about this!

Happy 2nd Birthday Oliver!

Wow!! The kid is TWO! How is that possible?! These past 2 years have seemed to just slip by. We had a great time celebrating though. We had my family and Owen's family over for lunch on Sunday the 11th and we had a really nice time and Oliver was hooked up with some awesome toys!
Oliver and Uncle Blake

Grandpa and Oliver

Grandpa, Oliver and Nana

My Mom (Grandma) and Charles (Big Da)

Nana and Oliver

Oliver and Aunt Sarah

Cousin Tilly AKA "Baby"!

He was quite pleased with everyone singing "Happy Birthday" to him! :)

Feeding Dad some crackers

Woohoo!! He'll be hell on wheels on his new trike from Nana and Big Da!

Looking at his new guitar from Uncle Jack!

All in all, it was a very fun day and we were so glad that so much of our family could get together! Only Bryan and Miriana were missing but they live far away. Fortunately we'll get to all be together again at Christmas.....which is only a week to go finish up! :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Post-Thanksgiving Gratitude

Yes, it is almost a week past Thanksgiving but that just means it has given me even more time to reflect on all that I am thankful for.....

Our sweet, adorable and energetic almost-2 year-old. What a blessing he is to us! He fills our home and our lives with so much love and joy that it is impossible to express how much we love him and are grateful to be his parents. As an added bonus, despite a couple of colds this fall, he has been doing very well and is a very healthy kid.....who often is mistaken for being older than he is....

My husband, who loves me just as I am. I am fully aware of how special and wonderful he is and I wouldn't trade him for the world! Owen is an amazing husband, friend and father.

My family - all of them! I added a wonderful and loving sister-in-law and nephews when Blake and Sarah got married this past summer. I am grateful to have Charles, Michelle & Tilly on this side of the world and even better, in the state! I am excited to add another member of the family when Bryan and Miriana get married!

My friends, who are so much fun and supportive! There isn't always enough time to get to spend with all my friends but I am grateful for the times we do get together.

There is so much to be thankful for and I am appreciative of all our blessings. We had such a busy Thanksgiving day in Charlotte and weekend in Brevard that I didn't take a single photo. SO BAD!!

But, I did take a couple of Oliver helping me to decorate for Christmas.....enjoy! :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Funny things the kid does

So some of these will be hard to appropriately describe since a lot of them you have to see or hear in person.....but let's give it a shot :)

He has started doing a "mmmnnnn mmmnnn" like i do when i tell him no but just shaking my head and saying the same thing....FUNNY.

He sometimes gets so excited that he runs his words together, especially when talking about people. For example, the other day I got him up from his nap and was talking to him about how we were going to go see Grandma and Grandpa....he gets excited and says: "GuhGuhPapaVruVruHmmmnnn" one word! :) Translation: Grandma Grandpa Ruff Ruff (Boz the Dog) and he uses that Hmmmmnnn sound for the cat (Baxter) :) Although he has started saying cat. I think the sound is a name for cats but also reflects a feeling (a good one :)).
Cozy time at Grandma and Grandpa's house

He also runs together MaDada (Momma Dadda) and NaDa (Nana and Big Da).

He shakes his finger to tell Boz to sit......and also teases Boz with his food. He will walk by Boz with food in his hand, with Boz desperately wanting to snatch it, and will give him the elbow to keep him away from his food......BUT, if Boz loses interest, he'll intentionally go find him and walk by him again. Of course Boz usually doesn't lose interest because he knows that 99% of the time, Oliver will end up feeding him whatever he sweet and cute.

The words we hear a lot in our house right now: "No", "uh oh", "oh no boom!" and "Ow".

Oliver's favorite number is "TWO". He wants 2 of EVERYTHING. I give him his water cup and he says, "twoooo".....I give him a cheerio or "cheeto" and he wants 2.....He loves to have 2 of everything and it is pretty funny....

As I have said in a previous post, Oliver goes to gymnastics at the Y every Friday morning which he LOVES! He still won't cooperate with the circle up time at the beginning but he is definitely down for sitting still and has started participating in the singing at the end as well. Why you ask? Because he knows that after that, he will get a stamp on his hand! And he loves getting his stamp :) He even got TWO today :) It is a hoot to watch him run around like crazy at gymnastics.....and jump "ju ju ju" and pretty much wear himself out! I can't believe we only have a few more classes!

Oliver also loves Tuck....If you have met Tuck then you know how skittish he is and he is constantly slinking away from Oliver or hiding under the bed (poor kitty) because I think Oliver would be all over him if Tuck would allow it. He squeals and gets so excited about seeing "Tu Tu". I have to remind him not to scare Tuck be squealing at the top of his lungs. So he'll say, "shuuush" and put his finger up to his mouth....but then he forgets :)

When Oliver isn't allowed to do something or have something or something gets taken away, he'll do this little dance and pump his arms. So funny. He'll say, "Ah dooo". No idea what that means but he says it only in these instances.....

Some of his cutest new words are purple, elbow, turtle (not new but SO cute), hill, here, knee, tip toe, and "cheeto" which actually means cheerio :).

He is also SO close to climbing out of his crib.....he is totally capable of doing it but just hasn't yet....which aside from the obvious problem of him being able to climb out of his crib, would also pose a problem because he is still hooked up to his feeding pump all night, which is attached to a medical even if he climbed out, he couldn't go very far, unless he pulled down his pole, that would be an issue......

All in all, he is such a joy and a handful. He is smart (too smart :)), funny, sweet, stubborn, persistent, determined, opinionated and kind. There was a little girl at gymnastics the other week who was lying on the floor and crying (I think just crabby and having a tantrum) but Oliver was so concerned about her. He kept going over to check on her and kept asking me about the "baby". I just told him that she was a little upset but that she would be ok soon. So he would go back to running around and jumping and stop back by to check on her every minute or so until she was better. SO adorable to watch him lie down on the floor next to her and look at her.....sweet boy.

Oliver is also pretty good at taking care of himself. He isn't exactly shy or reserved but if he feels intimidated or unsure he'll stay on the sideline until he has a handle on what is going on and then jump in. He also isn't aggressive towards other kids but he doesn't back down either. If he is playing with a kid who takes the toy he has, he'll just follow them until he gets the toy back :) But, sometimes he is the kid who takes the toy, too, which of course is totally age appropriate but we just have to have talks about sharing :).

There is so much more that makes my day exciting with Oliver but those are just a few of the funny things that the kid does :)

Oliver "whaling" on Uncle Jack's djembe drum

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This year, Oliver was pirate! And an adorable pirate, too! :) It was hard to get a good picture of him....but you get the idea.......
Running around in Grandma and Grandpa's yard!

Trying to take his hat off.....

Oliver and Grandma.....he didn't want to take a picture!

Owen's brother Charles and his wife Michelle came down with their daughter Tilly and we all went to my parents' neighborhood Halloween party!

Mom, Dad, Oliver, Grandma and Grandpa

Dad and Oliver in the costume parade (Owen was Robin Hood)

Owen, Oliver, Michelle and little pumpkin Tilly!

Checking out the costume competition :)