Oliver isn't walking independently just yet but he's soooo close. He is getting really good at letting go of props and standing and balancing without holding on. He got a couple of push toys for his birthday.....a cool lawnmower with blocks (very classic looking) and a colorful truck with buttons that make truck noises......he is VERY good at pushing both of those around and the only things stopping him are the walls and furniture! :)
And really.....how can you resist this face! :)
He is getting bigger everyday and it is so fun to see him learn. He isn't talking with actual words too much yet but he is babbling all the time (he is his father's son! :)) He does know what a lion says (a growling noise that sounds more like he is clearing his throat), what a clock says (quietly whispers tik tik), what a horse says, can say Dada, working on Mama (yay!), Do (for dog) and definitely understands when he isn't supposed to do something....he laughs and does it again! It takes every ounce of willpower not to laugh at him when he does that because that is what he is waiting for.....sometimes I am not successful at not laughing!
He loves to hug kitties....which basically consists of him sticking his face into their fur, usually mouth open.....Loves to open drawers and cabinets.....and dance with me to music. He is good at waving bye and sometimes claps along to music in the car. Oliver loves music and books and running errands with me! :) Running errands is a perfect opportunity for him to continue perfecting his flirting skills and interacting with people.
His hair is getting long, especially in the back, and is beginning to look like a mullet. But, I don't have the heart to cut it yet! Kids always look so much older after their first haircut and I am not quite ready for that :)
We love to see all aspects of Oliver's personality - the good, the bad and the ugly! :) He really is a smart, funny, interactive, independent, stubborn and persistent kid. He knows what he likes and is very observant, sometimes too observant! He doesn't give up easily and exhausts every effort to get what he wants, including climbing all over his mom and dad! He is sweet though and loves people and his laugh is totally contagious! He is tough, too....sometimes he barely pauses after bumping his head....just keeps right on going! All in all, he is a total joy and makes me smile and laugh every day......case in point, see video below! :)