Last Thursday, June 23rd, our sweet kitty, Bella, passed away at 10 years old. She has had kidney issues for the last 5 years and hasn't been in great health. We took her to the vet the Saturday prior and she had a UTI, was dehydrated and wasn't really eating. I think that it was just the final straw and we hoped she might bounce back but it was more than her little body could take and we had to make the tough call to put her to sleep Thursday morning.....she probably would have passed on her own later in the day but it wouldn't have been as peaceful as what we gave her. It was utterly heartbreaking and a new experience for me. I grew up with pets and experienced the deaths of several but nothing was like this. I had Bella for 8 years and she was a constant companion and I was her person.
She gave so much to us and I am deeply grateful. Whenever I was sad (especially while Oliver was in the hospital), she would curl up on the bed with me and provided so much comfort. She "quacked" a LOT and the house seems quiet without her talking up a storm. She slept with us almost every night (whether we wanted her to or not! :)) and it was so sweet. Bella was always somewhere close by, either on a lap or watching the action (usually on a lap though!). She made friends with everyone, even those that didn't like cats....after meeting Bella, they at least liked her :) If cats could be classy, she was one classy kitty!
She was sweet, charming, beautiful and tough. She was wonderful to Oliver, too. She was so patient with all his fur grabbing and taught him to be gentle and how to hug her. He loved her and I am sorry that he won't remember her. Bella was an amazing kitty and has left a big hole in my heart but I am grateful for the years we had together and some great memories.
Rest in peace sweet girl
maybe a tad inappropriate to post but yes, she is sitting in Owen's underwear and he had the presence of mind to take a picture with his phone and text it to me - it made my day!