When Oliver first came home and still had his central line for his TPN, we thought that there was no way that the 3 of us would be able to go and celebrate Dad, but a little partof me hoped that it would be possible and of course when we found out a couple months ago that Oliver was getting his line removed, we were thrilled about that but also excited because that meant that we could leave Charlotte! So, it was amazing to be able to go down and spend time with family and hear nice things about Dad and see this wonderful honor. Friday night, K&L Gates had a dinner at the Bellamy Mansion in Dad's honor and then Saturday night was the main event - the formal dinner and swearing in. It was lots of fun and Dad did a great job! :)
Most of us....Owen had to leave dinner to put Oliver in bed (check out Jack's good-looking hair)
Oliver, Blake & Sarah

A caricature of Oliver from the Bar Convention (the scanner didn't get his whole head...)
I LOVE his little smirk in that last photo with Blake & Sarah!
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