I googled teething and I knew it! He is ahead of the typical time when kids get specific teeth.....He already has both of his top and his bottom central incisors (6-12 mos.), he also has one of his top lateral incisors - the ones next to the central incisors and the other is near the surface (9-13 mos) and his first molars have pushed through (13-19 mos.). I think his molars are what are causing him the most pain. Plus, I can feel more bumpy gums and I know that more are not far behind.....though at this point it is dangerous to stick my finger in his mouth too much. Fingers are PERFECT for chewing on :)
I just realized as I was writing this that in the last MONTH he has had 5 teeth come through.....that's a LOT. He had his 2 cute bottom teeth for 3 months before any other teeth came out.....no wonder he has been so out of it for so long! Hopefully he'll get a little teething break soon!