Sunday, November 14, 2010

11 months old with 7 teeth.....

Ok, all you ladies out there with new babies without teeth or yet to have kids, listen teething is a BEOTCH! I had NO idea and was certainly not prepared for the grouchiness, lack of sleeping (us and him) and all while trying to do anything to make his gums feel better! Poor babe. Saturday night Oliver was up 4 or 5 times in the night crying which is atypical for him and then the next day he barely napped. He was clearly not in much of a playing mood and we snuggled on my bed just watching Yo Gabba Gabba because that was about all he could deal with but he wouldn't close his eyes despite the fact that he was tired.....ugh....

I googled teething and I knew it! He is ahead of the typical time when kids get specific teeth.....He already has both of his top and his bottom central incisors (6-12 mos.), he also has one of his top lateral incisors - the ones next to the central incisors and the other is near the surface (9-13 mos) and his first molars have pushed through (13-19 mos.). I think his molars are what are causing him the most pain. Plus, I can feel more bumpy gums and I know that more are not far behind.....though at this point it is dangerous to stick my finger in his mouth too much. Fingers are PERFECT for chewing on :)

I just realized as I was writing this that in the last MONTH he has had 5 teeth come through.....that's a LOT. He had his 2 cute bottom teeth for 3 months before any other teeth came wonder he has been so out of it for so long! Hopefully he'll get a little teething break soon!

1 comment:

  1. He has the cutest little smile :) He is almost a year old!! Goodness time flies :/ hope to meet him real soon!!
