Saturday, December 11, 2010


So, I'm lazy.....for a summary of the past week, check out Oliver's caringbridge site.....he is doing really well and now I am prepping for his birthday tomorrow!

At the hospital, pre-surgery

Post-surgery......looking good and feeling good (but maybe a bit tired...)

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Thanksgiving is always about a time of reflection on all that I have to be thankful for. And, as always, I am truly grateful to be surrounded by an amazing family and some wonderful friends. But now more than ever I am beyond grateful to have such a kind and loving husband. After almost 5 years of marriage and 10 years of being together, I can honestly say that Owen is the love of my life. I knew it before now (I did marry him afterall!) but this past year has brought a whole new dimension to our marriage and it melts my heart to see him with Oliver. He loves him so much and Oliver CLEARLY loves his dad....which brings me to my other love of my life, sweet, smart, funny Oliver. I could not have imagined how much I would love him, although my parents did try to explain. He is such a joy every single day and I am truly lucky to get to be his mom. This Thanksgiving, there was so much to be thankful for!